Sunday, November 21, 2010

Support for Distance Education and Training

What did I learn?
After reading this wonderful article I can conclude that distance education and training (DE), and specifically elearning, is the essential component in the survival of traditional education. E-learning allows the scope of the education offered by an institution of higher education to expand exponentially while keeping expenses per student far lower than what is possible in a traditional classroom environment. The article also mentions that there will be a direct ratio between long-term success of colleges/universities and their ability to provide comprehensive DE opportunities throughout the world.

What else do I want to learn?
I would like to know how many students in the nation take advantage of distance education. I would also want to know if parents are well-informed of distance education. Overall, I believe all schools in the nation should provide students and parents information on distance education.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How To Improve K12 Education

What did I learn?

After reading this interesting article I learned that K12 has played a massive part in the evolution of on-line and home education, and the results plainly speak for themselves, with 95% of parents reporting that by enrolling in the K12 course their children have benefited academically. I also learned more about NCLB. In 2002 Congress passed the No Child Left Behind Act which was an attempt to improve the education of each individual child by means of setting high standards and achievable goals. Since this act was passed, there has been improvement in many areas of education, but there is always room for more. Children are the future, and the best way to ensure the success of a nation is to educate the children to a high standard, both academically and socially. It is important that the teaching staff are in a continuous state of development themselves, always learning new and innovative methods to facilitate learning and assessing their own weaknesses.

What else do I want to learn?

I would like to learn more about NCLB Act and the statistics of this act achievement around the nation. I also want to learn about new teaching methods that facilitate both teaching and learning.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Does the Board of Education do?

1. What did I learn?

After reading this article I learned about the different roles of the Board of Education. The Board of Education makes all of the district policies for the schools, setting goals for each school to strive to achieve, and also goals for themselves for their own self improvement. They also deal with administration and personnel issues. This basically means 'hiring and firing', even the superintendent. The Board of Education is also involved in the appointing of school staff and evaluating the existing teachers. what really caught my eye was when I read that the main role of the board of Education is Fiscal Management issues.Very often these budget issues make big local news, especially if there are repercussions such as staff cut-backs or loss of facilities. Any construction work or property purchases need to be approved by the Board of Education. The role that interested me the most is Educational programs. The Board of Education evaluates reviews and adopts any changes it may deem necessary to the educational process, changing to new textbooks etc. They look for ways to improve education methods and hence improve and increase student achievement. The last role I learned about is to support school and Community Relations. They are responsible for ensuring that the community is included in the public education decision making process.

2. What else do I want to learn?
Now that I know a little more about the Board of Education and their roles I would like to know statistics of parents involved. I would also want to learn in more about different Educational Systems around the nation. Overall, this is a very interesting article to read that gives you brief information on roles of the Board of Education.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

History Of K12 Education

1. What did I learn?

After reading this article I learned a brief look at the history of K12 education, which refers to the general public education system which most people are familiar with, i.e. from kindergarten (K) through 12th grade.

It was very interesting to know that the first kindergarten was established in the United States in 1856. Also, compulsory education was already required in many states before that time, but there was not always a kindergarten available.

I also learned that K12 education system has been pretty much the same since the US Department of Education was formed in 1979. Before then, each state had its own set of standards and rules.

In 2002, Congress passed No Child Left Behind (NCLB) which sets new standards of accountability to individual schools and means that federal funding is now proportionate to their schools performance in standardized tests. This was hoped to encourage schools to improve their performance and also to give parents more flexibility when choosing a school for their children.

2. What else do I want to learn?

I would like to learn a little more history of K12 education. For example how was the education system in 1856 when the first kindergarten was established. I would also like to learn more on education online and when was established. It would be good idea to learn about different education around the nation.

Friday, October 22, 2010

What is a K12 Resource Ring?

1. What did I learn?

I'm proud to say that I learned about K12 Resource Ring and how this can enhanced teaching and learning. A K12 resource ring is fundamentally exactly what it says it is. It’s a ring of resources which are designed to help students, parents and teachers to make their education more fun, more organized and more useful.. are designed to help students, parents and teachers make their education more fun, more organized and more useful. This article also says that K12 teachers can have access to all of these and many more resource subjects, so there’s no need to be bored or confused when trying to learn anything at all.

The onset of the internet as a learning medium has opened up many possibilities, with a fantastic variation of resources available for all subjects, from Math to Music and from sports to Science.

Among the many inspired math resources available in a K12 resource ring are many games and puzzles which will have you calculating in your head before you even know it. Add that to the problems and tips and you’ll soon find something you enjoy doing and improve your skills from the math K12 resource ring. I believe this can be an excellent resource that will motivate srtudents in the subject

2. What else do I want to learn?

I would want to learn more about these helpful resource rings. I would also want to know how many K12 teachers actually apply these wonderful resources into their lesson. I'm very interested about what I just learned and as a future will definitely take into consideration resource rings to enhanced teaching and learning.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Benefit Of K12 Physical Education

1. What did I learn?

After reading this article I learned how physical education has been an important part of the board of education educational curriculum over the years, and how the many benefits of exercise are now known to us all. It is known that apart from instilling some degree of fitness into students, knowledge of sports and team games is a great way of promoting comradeship and co-operation between team players, and can teach some important lessons for life itself. Learning to work as part of a team is after all, an important life skill. One thing that caught my eye is that obesity is a modern day epidemic, with more and more children and young people being classed as clinically obese as a result of eating a diet high in fast food and relying on TVs, computers and games consoles for their entertainment. This makes the role of K12 physical education even more important, as it is also a great way to educate students on the basics of nutrition, how the body works and the reasons why exercise is so important for an overall healthy life.

2. What else do I want to learn?

I would like to know how teachers can encourage students to involve in more physical activity. I would also like to know statistics on how many k12 students rely on TVs and games console for entertainment and how many students actually enjoy playing sports or doing some kind of physical activity on their free time.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Classroom Education Advice

1. What did I learn?

This wonderful article offers many classroom education advice. I learned that you only get one chance to make a first impression, so it is important to make it count and start as you mean to go on. It talks about how some newly certified teachers tend to greet their new class with a ‘softly softly’ approach and can soon find themselves in deep water. The author recommends you to start as you mean to go on, you can always soften up a little later if necessary, but it is difficult to turn the tide once there is a lack of respect in your classroom. All students in K12 will take advantage, whatever their age, if given the opportunity. I also learned how seating arrangements can make a great deal of difference in the behavior of a class. To place a particularly unruly student next to a ‘good’ student who works hard could have the opposite effect to what you were wanting, with two students disrupting the class, but sitting between two conscientious students could have the desired effect. It is also a great idea to often change the room around. It often helps to seat disruptive students close to the front, so that you can keep an eye on them on one hand, but also to reduce the risk of them making eye contact with other members of the class and causing disruption. I believe seating arrangement can really make a difference in your classroom. I will certainly take into consideration their advice in the future!

2.What else do I want to learn?
I would like to know a little more about helpful tips that will help me become a successful teacher. I would also like to know more about teacher and parents interaction. I believe we as future educators should be given more information on how to work not only with students but with parents as well.